Very first version is live!

OK! Prototype of my very first game is live! Jeez, took long enough. I was naive enough to think that being homeless wouldn't push back my planned release date that far. I was VERY wrong. But anyway, I have the prototype done and, aside from plugins and assets, it's all created by me. I'll be using the project codename "Syndicate:Rising" for the time being, as I haven't really decided on the name yet. I'm thinking just SDS since it centers around that group in-game. Or if I decide to expand, maybe something with "Ael" in the title, since that's the world name. idk. I"ll cross that bridge before release.

Anyway, to all those that play the prototype, I am so very grateful for you deciding to play it, and I welcome any and all feedback you can give ^w^. It's only me on this project, so I have more than enough time to learn from my mistakes as I go. It won't be perfect, but it'll end up far better than what I ca currently make. Enjoy!


SR_Prototype.exe 974 MB
Jan 28, 2021

Get Syndicate:Rising (Abandoned for now)

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